Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Comic-Con 2008 San Diego - Bruce Campbell 2 of 2
Bruce Campbell talks about his new projects and 'The Evil Dead' musical.
Comic-Con 2008 San Diego - Bruce Campbell 1 of 2
Bruce Campbell tells us about his new movie/comic book 'My Name Is Bruce' at Comic-Con 2008
Monday, July 20, 2009
Interesting Mormon Stuff
Is Amy Adams a Mormon?
True / at least at one time

To most she is the Disney princess on Enchanted who comes to life and ends up falling in love with Dr. McDreamy, but to others she will always be the girl selling purses on "The Office". And yes, it is true; this princess/purse peddler grew up in a Mormon household in Castle Rock, Colorado. The middle child of seven siblings, she was raised Mormon until she was 11. That is when her parents divorced and it seems when Amy went inactive. She has not been active since. Come on missionaries, get on it. If Patrick Dempsey can convert her to living in New York, we should be able to reactivate her.
Is Katherine Heigl a Mormon?
True / she was born into an LDS family but no longer attends church

"Part of it was the rules of the religion I was in, and the other part was my parents enforcing those rules," she says. "I really trusted my parents and believed they wanted what was best for me. I didn't always agree with everything they said, but I'd always defer to them."
"I haven't been an actively practicing Mormon in years," she admits. "I still have a fondness for the Mormon religion and theology. A lot of my friends are Mormon."
Ricky Schroder is an active member?
True / and a pretty good one too

Rick Schroder married Andrea Bernard (a member) in 1992 but soon found herself going to church by herself. The blond star of "Silver Spoons" took the missionary discussions while they were dating and again after they were married, but never showed much desire to join. Then in 2000, after about 8 years of being married, Rick surprised everyone by saying he wanted to be baptized. He was staring in "NYPD Blue" at the time.
"I went on faith that it was true," Rick said at a young adult fireside. "The greatest decision I ever made - besides marrying Andrea - was to ask with faith if Jesus was the son of God, and if he was real ... and if it was all true, and if the Book of Mormon was true."
Andrea’s father baptized Ricky in April 2000. He then received the Priesthood and baptized his son.
"Since gaining a testimony of our church and getting baptized, I can't tell you how much my life has changed in my perspective, my relationships (with) my friends and my family, and how my talent has changed," Ricky said.
Rick Schroeder joined the Church in the Pacific Palisades Ward in the California Santa Monica Stake.
Steve Martin is LDS

This has got to be the most classic LDS legend. The oldie, but goodie, Steve Martin is a member. Sometimes it goes on to say that he has been seen wearing a CTR ring or reading the Book of Mormon. Usually, the legend includes that he has been baptized, but keeps it secret.
This story is untrue. Steve Martin is not a member (or is super, super secretive about it for you conspiracy theorists). Several years ago, a BYU Daily Universe journalism student tried to trace this story back to its origins and did find that a missionary did baptize a Steve Martin, but it was not THAT Steve Martin.
Aaron Eckhart is an active member?

Aaron Eckhart is probably best known for his role in "The Dark Knight". He was indeed LDS at one time and even served a mission in France and Switzerland. He graduated from BYU in 1994. Unfortunately, it is always darkest right before the dawn and he hasn't been too diligent in attending church lately.
In an interview he did with Entertainment Weekly he said, "I'm certainly not a deacon, I'm not a priest. I'm sure people think I'm a Mormon, but I don't know that I'm a Mormon anymore, you know? To be honest, to be perfectly clear, I'd be a hypocrite if I did say that I was, just because I haven't lived that lifestyle for so many years."
So, I guess in his mind, he is not a Mormon.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt, born A'Sharad Hett, was a Human male who served as a Jedi Knight in the waning days of the Galactic Republic. The son of legendary Jedi Knight Sharad Hett, he eventually became the Padawan of Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, and later, An'ya Kuro. When he was only a teen, Sharad Hett was murdered by the Jedi assassin Aurra Sing, who was later defeated in a duel by a young A'Sharad Hett.
During the Clone Wars he served the Republic as a General, and established himself as a charismatic leader who often led his troops from the front. He eventually became friends with the young Anakin Skywalker and helped Anakin come to terms with the destruction which had been wrought by the galaxy-wide war. A'Sharad took part in key conflicts during the war such as the Battle of Boz Pity and Mission to Saleucami. He managed to survive the Clone Wars, and was one of the few Jedi known to have escaped the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY.
A'Sharad Hett eventually made his way back to his homeworld of Tatooine where he vowed to wage a private war against the new Galactic Empire. However, after a confrontation with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was exiled from Tatooine and later discovered that it was Anakin Skywalker who became the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had murdered the Jedi Order. A'Sharad blamed himself for the destruction of the Jedi Order and became a bounty hunter. During one of his missions, he found himself on Korriban, where he trained as a Sith by Dark Lord XoXaan. Hett eventually fell to the dark side after capture and torture by the Yuuzhan Vong and soon proclaimed himself Dread Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith, taking the name "Darth Krayt". As Krayt, he became the founder and leader of the One Sith.
As Krayt, he rebuilt the Sith Order and kept its existence hidden from the Jedi by cloaking their presence on Korriban. To survive, Krayt spent many years in stasis before reemerging to form an alliance with Moff Nyna Calixte and to spark the Sith-Imperial War that led to the destruction of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. At the climax of the war, Krayt deposed Emperor Roan Fel and brought about the murder of the current Jedi Order.
Darth Krayt ruled the galaxy with an iron fist for seven years before the alliance between Roan Fel and Galactic Alliance admiral Gar Stazi threatened his rule. Furthermore, Krayt discovered the existence and survival of a Skywalker: Cade. Krayt feared that with these deteriorating conditions and his bad health would lead to his demise before his dream was finished, and sent about the hunt for Cade Skywalker. However, during a skirmish on Had Abbadon, Krayt was stabbed and sent hurtling off a cliff. The Sith Lord's powers proved strong, however, when they saved his life. Darth Krayt was then approached by Darth Wyyrlok (his most trusted advisor) who murdered Krayt, believing the Dread Lord would lead to the Sith Order's destruction.
The Emotional Spectrum
The Emotional Spectrum was created early on when sentient life first existed in the universe and its thoughts and feelings became powerful enough to coalesce into in a whole band of energy. This band of energy conformed to the spectrum of visible light with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet all corresponding to a specific emotion.
The Spectrum
Red Light of Hate - As an energy on one of the far ends of the Emotional Spectrum, the Red Light of Hate has an overpowering effect on the thoughts of those who managed to wield it, and its energy often coalesces as intense heat that burns as long as the anger is there to serve as its fuel. The overwhelming power of the Red Light can often burn away the power of most other lights in the spectrum. Atrocitus of the Five Inversions managed to harness the red light in a Central Battery on Ysmault to power his Red Lantern Corps. The Red Lanterns become so consumed with rage that they are literally filled with its red energy, which replaces their blood.
Orange Light of Avarice -As the pure light of greed, exposure to the orange light can have addictive effects on sentient beings who try to wield it. Its consumptive power can also drain the energy from most other lights. The Orange Light was harnessed into a power battery thousands of years ago by a number of beings, who made a deal with the Guardians of the Universe to keep it. In the thousands of years since, it has stayed buried in the planet Okaara of the Vega System. Larfleeze is the last surviving keeper of the Orange Light and uses it to create his Orange Lanterns.
Indigo Light of Compassion - Little is known yet about the Indigo Light. It is wielded by a group calling itself the Indigo Tribe that seeks to spread goodwill throughout the universe but has not made its presence known to the universe yet. A female calling herself Indigo appears to be the leader of the Tribe.
Blue Light of Hope - Said to be the most powerful light of the Emotional Spectrum, the Blue Light apparently has the drawback of being dependent on the Green Light of Will to be utilized to its full power. This symbiotic relationship also strengthens the power of the Green Light when its wielded in the vicinity of a bearer of the Blue Light. The Blue Light was channeled by two exiled Guardians, Ganthet and Sayd, to create the Blue Lantern Corps.
Green Light of Will - As the balanced and center color of the Emotional Spectrum, it was the power of the Green Light that the Guardians of the Universe chose to harness for the foundation of the universal police force, the Green Lantern Corps.The Green Light has also given birth to a sentient being that is the embodiment of its power. It is called Ion and inhabits the body of Sodam Yat.
Yellow Light of Fear - First harnessed by the Qwardians, Sinestro would later wield the Yellow Light and use it to establish and empower his Sinestro Corps as a dark mirror of the Green Lantern Corps. The Yellow Light has the specific ability to weaken the strength of the Green Light of Will, making it the perfect weapon against Green Lanterns.The power of the Yellow Light grew intense enough to spawn a sentient being that completely embodies fear. This being became known as Parallax.
Violet Light of Love - Like the Red Light, the placement of the Violet Light at the far end of the Emotional Spectrum means it can have a particularly overwhelming influence on the minds of those who wield it. The power of the Violet Light was discovered by the Zamarons, who found the remains of two embracing lovers fossilized in violet crystal. Their first attempt to harness this power proved its overwhelming effects, as the original Star Sapphires possessed a rabid obsession in their pursuit of love. The Zamarons have since refined their methods for channeling the Violet Light with their new Star Sapphires.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Alice in Wonderland Movie

Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter

Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen

Anne Hathaway as the White Quenn

Other actors include;
Alan Rickman as the Caterpiller,
Christopher Lee as the Jabberwock
Michael Sheen as the White Rabbit
Monday, June 22, 2009
Green Lantern - First Flight

The fabric of intergalactic justice is threatened – until Hal Jordan arrives for his initial mission – in the animated Green Lantern: First Flight, the fifth entry in the popular DVD series of DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movies. A co-production of Warner Premiere, DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation, the illuminated hero’s first-ever full-length animated film is set for release by Warner Home Video on July 28, 2009. Green Lantern: First Flight will be available as a special edition 2-disc version on DVD and Blu-Ray™ Hi-Def for $29.98 (SRP) and $34.99 (SRP), respectively, as well as single disc DVD for $19.98 (SRP). Order due date for all versions is June 23, 2009.